
Who I am and why this website exists

About me

I am a researcher in structural biology, currently working in the group of Dr Cecilia Blikstad at the Department of Chemistry, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University. I earned a PhD in “Biochemistry and Structural Biology” from the Université Paris-Sud in September 2015, after defending my thesis about the structural study of a human telomere protein complex.

The current version of my CV can be found on my LinkedIn public profile, which is also linked at the bottom of every pages of this website.

Outside the lab, I enjoy listening to traditionnal music from several countries (Brittany, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Québec, American old time music…), and dancing on some of them. I also try to play them on the wooden flute and tin whistle. And I like outdoor activities like kitesurfing, sailing, skiing, snowshoeing and hiking.

About this website

This small website is meant to establish online presence in a more personal (and less invasive) way than what trendy social media want to offer.

I also maintain a blog. It is mostly written in French, except for articles whose topic could interest a broader readership. All ideas expressed here are my own, except explicitly indicated otherwise, and should not be attributed to any of my employers (past or present). Old blog posts may not reflect my current opinions.

All blog posts I authored here are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0), which means you are free to repost them anywhere you like, as long as you link back to the original. All code presented in blog posts is released under the MIT license, which means you are free to use it (at your own risk), modify it and redistribute it (even with less permissions) as long as you give credit to the original.

This website is built with the Blogdown and Hugo generators, and uses the Minimo theme with some customizations.

Privacy policy

The blog section does not let visitors write comments, this is on purpose. Feel free to comment by sending me an email, or by posting your comment publicly on your own blog (or anywhere you feel is appropriate) and linking back to the article you are commenting.

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